Seeking research participants: The SKin INnovation (SKIN) research project

Participate in a study looking at skin self-examination and skin cancer diagnosis:

The SKin INnovation (SKIN) research project

Researchers at QUT and UQ are currently undertaking research into skin self-examination. In particular, we are examining mobile teledermoscopy. Mobile teledermoscopy involves photographing moles and sending them to a dermatologist remotely for a diagnosis.

We are looking for individuals 18 years of age or over to complete three home skin-self-examinations and receive a free skin check by a doctor at QUT, Kelvin Grove. Selected participants will be asked to conduct mobile teledermoscopy by photographing their moles and sending them to the study team for a telediagnosis.

For details and to register your interest please visit the study website:

Please note that this study has been approved by the QUT Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number 1400000807).